June 16th 2020,
We are welcoming visitors back again and it is so wonderful to see people enjoying the fabulous cliffs and magnificent views. We are currently open to those living in county Clare or within a 20km radius. However we are very excited that on 29
th June we can welcome visitors from all over, no boundaries or geographic markers, and it will be so rewarding and joyful to do so.
Summer has arrived and nature continues to be giving and bountiful!

While plants and flowers growing on and around the cliffs have to be quite tough and hardy to survive the prevailing winds and thin soils, we are fortunate to have an abundance of very beautiful and quite unique flora.
The return of the familiar candy-pink flowers of the Sea Pinks as well as the bright blue of Sheep’s-bit along the Cliff edge are a welcome and uplifting sight.
With the absence of people, flowers have been flourishing in areas normally well- trodden by visitors.
Our native Sea Campion with its grey-green leaves and pristine white flowers fill the areas around the Cliffs.
The Cliffs of Moher, being part of the Burren and Cliffs of Moher geopark is a solitary, austere and strangely beautiful place that makes your senses come alive. It is a fertile, fragile, plant-rich and sensitive landscape with rare species and a haven for those who seek out indigenous flora.
Whilst nature has been bountiful and teeming with new life the human element of the Cliffs of Moher has not been found wanting. While we were closed we were able to take this chance to catch up with long overdue tasks and give back to this wonderful site. Our staff approached the task of replenishing and nurturing our site with enthusiasm and ingenuity.
Our staff have worked tirelessly to upgrade the site and are ready to welcome you back, some of the housekeeping jobs included:
- The picnic & concourse areas have had new top- soil added and been reseeded.
- The walk- ways around the units have been power-hosed, as well as the units themselves.
- The bin yard and gate has been power washed and repainted.
- Construction of quadratic frames for Conservation survey.
- Refresh to areas inside the exhibition area.
We have also listened to your needs and added a number of improvements to the visitor experience which we hope will really enhance your visit(s)
- O’Brien’s Tower access and tours now included in admission ticket
- Grab and go coffee facility at the entrance to the site
- Lifts of Moher Buggy to bring mobility challenged visitors to the viewing platforms
- Upgrade and Refresh to Seismometer Area
- New Traditional Music and Busking Information in Exhibition area
- New Videos and Information Point in Exhibition – Theme is sustainability and custodianship of the Cliffs
- Upgrade to audio app
- Refresh of Tour Guide Information
- Conservation survey/bird counting project
We are working hard to ensure the safety of our visitors and staff and have a comprehensive operating procedure in place to comply with all Covid-19 restrictions and regulations. This includes the following:
- Route Planning outside and Inside for social distancing purposes
- Increased signage onsite advising of measures to limit spread of COVID-19
- 2 Meter Markers around site
- Sanitising stations around site
- Capacity Management Onsite and in Buildings
- Increased Exterior Seating
- No handshake policy
- Online Booking Essential
We are so looking forward to welcoming you to the Cliffs of Moher Visitor Experience. In the meantime, take good care and keep safe!